If you are a federal employee injured at work, you may choose the health care provider you desire for your treatment. You may work with a provider not referred by your agency as long as the provider is certified by the Department of Labor (DOL) to handle Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) cases.
Our Federal Injury Clinic is a certified DOL provider that specializes in OWCP claims. We know the details about how to work with your DOL-OWCP injury claim, process the paperwork, and provide you with the treatment you deserve.
Federal Worker's Compensation support is available for any federal civilian employee with a work-related injury or disease. There are about 2.8 million civil servants under federal employment in various departments and agencies.
Some categories of eligible federal workers include:
Any work-related injury that causes muscle, joint, or nerve pain is a good candidate for treatment from a Newport Beach Federal Workers' Comp Doctor, so you get pain relief while you heal. Federal employee compensation includes coverage for medical treatments under the worker's compensation program (OWCP).
At the Federal Injury Clinic, treatments are available for these conditions and more:
For work injuries, our Newport Beach doctors and staff begin treatment with diagnostic testing and a consultation to determine the appropriate treatment protocols. Not all injuries are the same and it's important for our medical staff to fully diagnose your injury.
From our Medical Director, Dr. Neil Ghododra to our chiropractors and beyond, we provide you with a multidisciplinary medical team to effectively provide treatment regardless of your injury.
Medical treatments for Federal Worker’s Compensation Programs may include:
Our Federal Injury Clinic believes in reducing pain with treatments that are more than adjustments and offer lasting solutions. By taking a careful and strategic approach, Newport Beach doctors review the whole patient, not just the injury.
At our Newport Beach Federal Injury Clinic, the doctors are qualified for DOL-OWCP cases and went through the federal employee compensation training program to achieve certification.
If you have a federal employee worker’s compensation claim, get the treatment and therapy you need to help your condition and reduce your pain. Contact our injury clinic for an appointment.